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Oralieve is the most recommended brand by Healthcare Professionals for dry mouth relief*

Oralieve have developed a range of products to provide relief for your dry mouth throughout the day and night. Our products are formulated with bioactive ingredients and enzymes which supplement the natural systems in saliva providing effective relief. The range does not contain alcohol, SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate) or strong flavours that may irritate your mouth. For more information and to view the Oralieve range, click here.

To find the right product for you, take our dry mouth quiz.

*Amongst 1085 surveyed healthcare professionals, data collected online. Contact for verification.

What is dry mouth?

Dry mouth is a condition of having insufficient saliva in the mouth. You may experience a dry mouth in times of stress or when you are upset and nervous but for some, it can be a regular experience and if left untreated can become sore and uncomfortable.

What are the causes of dry mouth?

Oralieve causes of dry mouth

What are the symptoms of dry mouth?

Oralieve symptoms of dry mouth

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